So I spent a bit of the weekend with Tolkien and found out that he got the idea for his JRRT monogram from Rudyard Kipling. The style of some of his trees were inspired by Arthur Rackham and he liked Giotto and Van Dyck. Let's see, what else...he never drew figures because all his attempts were horrible. But I guess doing a little Bilbo on a barrel was okay. I love the trees in that one.
So, the Oscars are next week. I'm saving my last bag of popcorn for the occasion. Unfortunately the last drumstick will not last that long. Because I will eat it. The chocolate kind are so good. Why can't they sell a box of just chocolate instead of mixing them in with the variety pack? Is that too much to ask?
Well. In other news. I saw When a Stranger Calls last weekend, but the guy turned out to be Cicero from Gladiator. And Cicero is too good for me to fear so that was the end of that. I did a little research and found out he got those crazy scars when he was attacked outside a bar by some guy with a broken bottle or a knife or something.
Let's see, other news...I have tests this week, that's exciting but maybe. In other news I am now realizing that I never made dinner and it's almost 10. So maybe I should go make something...So, off I go.