Thursday, July 22, 2004

Earthiness and Lupin-ness

Look at me, I'm an official blogger!

Like the title says, I am full of earthiness and Lupin-ness.  I recently discovered (through a very scientific process involving probs and pH tests) that my elemental is Earth.  So apparently I have things in common with potatoes, earthworms and Miracle Gro.  So that's really cool, I think. 

Second off, I took another highly scientific test and found out that my Harry Potter character is Remus Lupin, the best Defense Against the Dark Arts professor EVER!  Of course, that conflicts with the other Harry Potter character quiz that said I was Snape.  And the other one that said I was Hermione.  And the other one that said I was the Muggle Prime Minister.  Oh yeah, and another that said I was McGonnagall.  I'm just all over the map. 

So I was going to show off my nifty banner but that's not such with the working.  So pause and take a moment to imagine a Lupin banner. 




  1. I've been discussing the possiblity of making an all encompassing quiz that would actually allow you the quiz taker to choose the outcome of the quiz. Thus preventing you from having to take the quiz multiple times to get your desired outcome.

  2. Smeagol already has a system like that because she's been in every movie on that quiz and just picked which on she wanted. Point you browser to keyword: cheating.
