Tuesday, February 14, 2006

This is the Night!

Well, despite the unfounded claims of "gritness" leveled against my bobblehead, I am blogging again. Let's see what I got in my drawers for today.

First off, there's not much to report today. I watched the Lion King tonight because it is Valentine's Day. I also ate Velveeta with hot dogs to make things a little extra festive. I also discovered some freaky new Harry Potter fanart that I'm not sure if I liked or not. Hmm. I also discovered that the Lion King is just as good as I remembered.

So, I was thinking the other day about possible remakes for The Scarlet Pimpernel, just because. I think Jason Isaacs would be a great Chauvelin. As for English actors who could possibly manage a funny/dumb/hero/genius combination (for Percy of course), I couldn't think of many people. Johnny Depp could pull off the duality just because he's good like that but otherwise he's totally unsuitable. I'd like to see Ewan McGregor try it. And that's as far as I got.

I still have those hershey kiss legs. Maybe one day I will build them a torso and possibly legs or something.

Woahhhhh I just had a dream flashback. It was some movie that totally went off The Icebergs up there, by Church. Except it looked different in my dream. Anyway, it was pretty cool looking.

Well, to end this on a high note, I will end with a quote: "We're actors! We're the opposite of people!"

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