Thursday, June 18, 2015


Another year has come and gone, and my what a difference a year has made for this little fellow.  

(Please ignore me and my, like, one week postpartum appearance.)

He's walking, talking and conversating.  He has likes and dislikes, asks for things and parrots like a, you know, parrot.  It's so fun to look back at how little and babyish he used to be, but it's also hard to remember when I see him playing hide and seek games with his car before falling asleep.

Sometimes he gives me pedicures.
Watching the trash truck.
He likes a lot of things but most of his favorite things have one thing in common: wheels. Airplanes, bikes, motorcycles, vacuums, lawnmowers, cars, trucks, tractors, diggers, trains--he loves them all.  Thanks to his generous cousin Jack, he has cars and trucks a'plenty and rarely does he go to bed without one.  

Hey now, those socks are too small!  And for a girl.

Having a Godzilla moment.

Other favorite things include books (especially David Wiesner lately), Kitty, cheese, "treeeeeats?", the Baby Einstein On the Go video, dinosaurs, stickers, nursery and jumping on the trampoline.  (Also various items of clothing that will turn up several times in these post.)

At his two year check up he was 29.8 lbs (72%) and 35 inches (66%).  In more exciting news (to him), I finally let him have a sucker at the end of the appointment.  Though in MORE exciting news (to him), the nurse gave him a car sticker.  

"Cheeeeese."  (Yes, those are Drew's running shorts.)
"Mi-mi-mi MOUse?"

Other recent developments: he is learning his letters!  I'm just amazed at how much he absorbed from looking at the alphabet page in a Richard Scarry book the last few months.  Now he will pick out letters in books or signs or boxes or anything (especially Ds and Ws).  He's also getting the hang of numbers and counting up to 5, sometimes in order (ha!).  I don't know how smart the average toddler is or how he compares, but that seems pretty smart to me and really, does anyone else's opinion matter?  Hahaha.


This bed is just right.

Homemade play doh = infinitely more successful than homemade finger paints.

(Still wearing those shorts.)

Earning his keep!

Anyway, he is just a lovely, delightful boy who sometimes throws ridiculous tantrums but is usually happy and sweet.  He adores his little sister, his daddy and me.  Mostly me.  As he should!  Just kidding, he adores everyone in his family a great deal.  We adore him too.  

Because come on, how could we not?

1 comment:

  1. Of course he loves his mommy the most! She is the best. Great post, and D and W are the most important letters, since they are both in my name. And Also Walt Disney.
