Thursday, April 30, 2009

Countdowns: I Like Them

I have a lot of countdowns going at the moment, but my favorite is thus: 7 days until this is no longer necessary.

Now time to work on the homework countdown...


  1. ARGH! You covered up the conversation with Facebook! No dissecting THIS conversation . . .

  2. You're so clever with your secret screencaps. "Smile!" "Why?" "Just do it!" I like countdowns too, but I usually prefer the events to which they are counting down.

  3. Your post title formula: It makes me laugh. :)

  4. Cami: Just for you I will post another screencap with plenty of conversation for you to dissect. Don't say I never did nothin' for ya!

    Drew: If you would just smile all the time I wouldn't even have to say anything and then I would be super sneaky.

  5. Who smiles *all* the time??
