Thursday, April 23, 2009

The Days: They Do Indeed Pass

I have one of these:

They're called boyfriend pillows. I don't know why that is because my pillow is really nothing at all like:

I want my boyfriend pillow. 13 more days.


  1. Oh, I dunno, I kind of see a resemblance... I mean, both the boyfriend pillow and the boyfriend have a pair of arms and something of a "torso"... Oh who am I kidding? I'm counting down the days just as avidly as you are.

  2. I didn't know they were called that. Had I known, I wouldn't have borrowed yours.

  3. That's a boyfriend pillow? I thought those had like a body and one arm and a creepy half-body. Like this one:

    Either way, no resemblance

  4. Those other boyfriend pillows are creepy. I would much rather be compared to the other one, which I told Julie we used to call reading pillows. Anyway, there you have it.

  5. No comment on the pillow, but nice new picture, Drew! I wonder who drew that? :) I haven't seen the original, but I know Control's drawing style.

    Control, I like your new picture too. :)
