Monday, August 23, 2004

I just love a bit of Romance

Anyone who ever said fanfix are no good has never read the following excerpt from the Cinderelle-esque Hermione adventure:

"Then a bell rang she hoped it wasn't a costermer but bad luck . She saw her sisters and three boys one was Oh my god prince Draco , the other was duke Harry and dke Ron . She came to them with her notebook and stood politely at them . Prince Draco is realy hot , his drey eyes , broad shoulders , the manly odour , the chest the sweat and the skin she could just eat hem up but FLASH it was not going to be true."

For those who would like to see the whole magnificant story, here is the link:


  1. Here's your precious fanfiction!

  2. I like manly odour.

  3. I love sweat and drey eyes.

  4. Uh, is this a good time to talk about youth dress standards?
